Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everyone Else is Doing It....

And here I present the now ubiquitous South Louisiana snow photos.....

Have you ever noticed how similar everyone's houses look in the snow? It's like being in those subdivisions in Edward Scissorhands. (How's that for an out-of-left-field cultural reference?)

After a while, I stopped taking photos of the kids and had to start taking pictures of the fallen limbs in case I had to make an insurance claim. Snow's cute and all that, until it gets heavy, evidently. Good news, no damage to house. Bad news, T still hasn't moved this out of the yard.


  1. Hi Kelly,

    in den letzten Jahren habe ich immer gehört, dass es in Amerika mehr Schnee gibt als in Europa, aber heuer scheint es umgekehrt zu sein...

    Schöne Grüße von Karl
    (Servus Kotlett)

  2. Ja, es hat zweimal in den letzten 4 Jahren passiert! Total kurios!

    Bist Du in Bozen?

  3. I am still in shock! wow. South La never gets snow, what fun!!

  4. Ja, ich bin in Bozen, warum fragst Du? Bist Du mal in Bozen gewesen? Oder kennst Du die Zone?

  5. Vor vielen Jahren habe in Innsbruck studiert. Ich bin fast jedes Wochende in Bozen gewesen um meinen Freund zu besuchen.
